
Belgian Court of Audit

Rue de la Régence 2, 1000 Brussels
+32 2 551 81 11
+32 2 551 86 22
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Opening hours of the Court’s registry (jurisdictional matters)

The Court of Audit’s registry is open from Monday till Friday from 9.30 – 12.00am. It is closed on bank holidays.

A question ?

A lot of information about the Court of Audit, its tasks and activities can be found on its website, including under the “Annual reports” section.

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The communication policy of the Court of Audit aims at disseminating correct, objective, complete, current and clear information on its work. The Court transmits useful and reliable information resulting from a contradictory examination directly to the parliamentary assemblies. It makes this information available in printed and/or digital form. It does not provide other information than what has been published in accordance with the international standards on external audit and the contradictory procedure principle. The Court does not deal with specific cases and will not comply with audit requests unless they come from a parliamentary assembly.

For information and questions concerning the lists of mandates and declarations of assets, please visit our “Regimand” web page. Notices of vacancies at the Court of Audit are posted under the heading “Working for the Court of Audit”.